Monday, March 18, 2013

How to ward in League of Legends (part 1)

How to ward in League of Legends (part 1)

Before I talk about the warding spots, I have to talk about the map.  There are 4 exits from enemy jungle and 4 entrances into your jungle from river.  2 entrances and 2 exits each on bottom and top.  And there are blue and red buffs on each side, and baron on top of the map and dragon on bottom of the map.   Ganks and the neutral buff monsters are the reason for many fights that occur during the game and wards can help you win or avoid those fights.  If wards help gain advantages in the fights, why not ward more effectively? 
Then where should we ward when and how?  On this post, I will be teaching you on how to ward when you are blue team mid.  Blue team is located on the bottom left side of map, and it is said blue team wins more than purple team.  I will be talking about top, mid and bottom ward spots and how to ward so that you can see enemies’ movements.    If you look at the map, top is close to 1 and 5, and bot is close to 4 and 8, and mid is close to 2, 3, 6, and 7.  Also, jungler can roam around the map and help warding places that need wards.   Then how can all players ward so that they can get most information about enemy? 

Mid warding spots cover 2, 3, 6, and 7.  And top and bot players can save wards if mid is warded well.  Junglers tend to pass by mid a lot and many mid champions tend to roam to top and bot, so warding at mid is very important.  Since mid is relatively close to everywhere on the map so backup play is easy.  Mid player usually gets blue buffs so stealing enemy blue buff and securing own blue buff is very important.  To do all of these, you need wards to make safer decisions.  Honestly, mid player doesn’t need to ward if he’s gonna play safe farming, but wards around mid of the map helps the team so much that it is mid’s job to put wards. 

There are 4 major warding spots on top side of mid. 
1.       There’s some variation to spot 1.  You can put a ward more to the wraith to see enemy doing wraith.  This ward is to see enemy’s jungler and mid ’s movement toward the river and the top.
2.       People put wards here before mid goes to take their own blue buff or when enemy keeps on coming into ally jungle or before baron fights. 
3.       Ward in 3 is very useful since it can see enemy‘s path after they come into river and it can also see above the hill.
4.                               Mid players like to ward there when they don’t have time or feel not safe to ward in 1,2 or 3, but it only prevents mid ganks.

1.       Put a ward here when you don’t feel safe to go into the river or if you don’t have time, but it’s not the best spot. 
2.       Ward here lets you do safe dragon try and you can see the enemy entering river and which way they go.
3.       This ward can see enemy entering river and it can also see mid player entering your jungle to go to bot lane. 

If you are on purple team, then you would ward like the other side of mid since the map is symmetrical.

Top and Bot lane warding tips will be on next post.
If you have any suggestions or questions, post a comment.  I will try to reply as soon as possible.